Monday, September 14, 2009

Light and Energy

There is a great movement happening on your planet, and a new kind of energy is gaining strength among the humans. The light of inner truth and self love is shining brightly now, from inside your hearts and minds, and it is growing momentum, power and a clear direction. Soon, if will become obvious where this energy will plant itself, to grow and multiply, beyond your wildest imaginations. 

The new energy is bright and clear and truthful. It knows only light and love, and it comes directly to you, freely, from your Sun, your Grandfather and Life Giver. You may be unaware of the immense changes that have taken place in the atmosphere and light bodies of Mother Earth, but rest assured, her new children will be born awake. And every living creature will move into this new light of abundance and joy, without fear or worry for survival. Gaia's children are ready to greet the Dawn, and the garden will be restored to the harmony of its natural state.

So when you are faced with a choice, any choice, the answer will be the same. How does this feel for me? What is the energy like? Is it Light? Will this bring me Joy and Contentment?

The dense, cold hardness of the energy of karma and fear will become so apparent to you soon, your choices will become easier. Look into the light before you, and ask yourself simply, 'What is that light I see? What color can it be? How will it benefit me?' And listen gently to your self reveal your answer.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time to Share!

Dear loved ones!

Can you feel the planet shifting and changing, every day expanding in light and intensity, for all time now? 

Just in case you are unaware and unprepared, I feel the need to give you all a major heads up! It's not just mercury retrograde this time! Major planetary bodies (jupiter, saturn, uranus and pluto) are already poised to promote long term changes of activity (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn, take note!) and huge shifts for the entire planet that include all our structured systems, corporations and governments.

Halloween will bring another round of world changing surprises. So go ahead and sell all your stocks now, and stick your cash under the mattress, before it all disappears again! Seriously, we must take stock in what has real, lasting value and meaning to us now.

Only what is real and honest and tangible will Pluto in Capricorn allow to remain. All the rest will fail and fall. And we must be pushed along, silly humans, to rebuild and restore our wonderful, beautiful, living planet, one sustainable step at a time. 

There is no thing to fear, only LOVE..... and the joy filled recreation of our world!! Dream your best future possible, and here we go!

REMEMBER<  all we have to DO is LOVE each other and SHARE what we already have. There is PLENTY on Mother Earth for us all!

Daily Moon Phases