Monday, October 5, 2009

The Best Way to know GOD

Bear and Kingfisher were sitting by the crystal clear, icy cold river, watching the salmon run upstream. Bear says, " I know the best way catch salmon." Kingfisher says, "oh yeah, show me." 

So Bear wades into the middle of the river, where the fish are leaping upstream, and he grabs a big one with his paws in one fluid movement. "See?" he says to Kingfisher, "my way is the best way to catch salmon."

"You're nuts!" says Kingfisher, "that takes so long! Only I know the best way to catch salmon. Watch me!" So Kingfisher jumps from his branch among the cedars, diving straight down, and spears a beautiful, shiny salmon with his sharp, strong beak. "See?" says Kingfisher, "My way is the best way to catch salmon." 

"My brothers!" says a voice from high above. "You are both wrong. Only I know the best way to catch salmon. Watch me." So Eagle watches the river for a moment, and then swoops down, talons outstretched, to snatch a huge fish with both claws and lands beside the river.

Now old brother Coyote has been watching all along from behind the nootka rose bushes, and at this moment he swaggers out to boast louder than all the rest. 

"MY BROTHERS!" says Coyote "None of you has any idea how best to catch these salmon. Only I can show you how." 

"Impossible!" says Bear.
"Ridiculous!" says Kingfisher.
"Prove it!" says Eagle
"OK!" says Coyote "Look over there, across the river, and I will show you."

So they all look in the other direction, for only a minute or two. And in that instant, Coyote gathers all the fish the others have already caught, and runs off with them, laughing all the way.

© 2009 emtyler

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