Today, the most honored, global prize of peace was awarded to the President of the United States of America. The greatest award of peace for the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. And yet, the very same day, the brilliant scientists at NASA, sent an 80 million dollar bomb to bang against the face of the moon.
Is there another message here? What does Luna reflect to Earth's people today?
On the one hand, America represents the best and the brightest of human ideas; freedom, justice, liberty, and equal opportunity for all. And on the other hand, the American corporate war machine is the greatest cause of the destruction of Earth's habitat, of the suffering and injustice of people and innocent creatures everywhere, of an endless wave of genocide across the earth.
Today the moon is reflecting the deepest divide within humanity, the difference between words and deeds. The President of America speaks with beauty of peace and global healing between nations, a magnificent message to every side of the globe.
When will America realize the potential of her dreams? When will America claim her power to heal, to help, to teach, to inspire? Why does the man who holds the hopes of millions send those same poor children to die fighting a war that never ends?
The Moon is our first Teacher, our Grandmother, our Timekeeper. Today she was also our Truth Teller.